Marie Jermy is an upcoming new author that is already on her 3rd book. The genre is erotic romance, and after her first book was rejected by Mills and Boon, it was quickly accepted by Siren Publishing, and since then it has become a string of books, one after another! Well, Mills and Boon have certainly lost out there! Marie Jermy a dedicated author who enjoys writing will continue this unique art form of hers, currently working on her third book called ‘Animal Insticts’, where there is a mention of Mark Ovens, an online marketing expert in Norwich, that spent some years growing up with Marie amongst a group of friends through their high school years.
So far Marie has released Secret Eyes and Together Forever, the latest books are available at: www.bookstrand.com/marie-jermy, keep your eyes peeled for the 3rd book Animal Insticts. She is already thinking about her 4th book and will be revealing some information on that sometime soon. Feel free to read the reviews of her books on the website.
Siren Publishing (Siren-BookStrand) is a fast growing romance e-publishers with many authors writing exclusively for Siren, all are distributed in electronic form and available for devices like the Kindle. Successful books moving on to paperback form and can be bought from many online retailers. Marie Jermy I’m sure has a very bright and successful career ahead of her, and we look forward to reading many more of her books!